【漢字・仮名 黒~茶 極上菜種油煙】
古梅園自慢の自家特種採煙の油煙墨「五つ星 紅花墨」と同じ材料で造られた墨です。
It is the top grade of sumi made from the highest quality of lamp soot. It is made by our artisans with the utmost care.
「敦煌」莫高窟一一二窟の壁画の一部(李振甫 模 反弾琵琶舞)を模した型を使い製作いたしました。
反弾琵琶舞は中唐の頃(七八一~ 八四八年)の作とされます。舞伎は宝冠をつけ、上半身を裸にし、胸飾り、腕輪、足輪をつけています。
腰に帯をしめ、琵琶を頭の後ろで弾じなが ら(反弾琵琶)、足を踏みあげ舞い踊る図です。
This piece was made based on a part of a mural (Li Zhenfu’s replica of the Anti-Dan Pipa Dance) from Cave 112 in the Mogao Caves, Dunhuang.
The Anti-Dan Pipa Dance is said to have been created during the mid-Tang Dynasty (781-848). The dancer is wearing a jeweled crown, is bare-chested, and wears a chest ornament, bracelets, and ankle bracelets.
The dancer is wearing a belt around his waist and is dancing with his feet raised while playing the lute behind his head (anti-dan pipa).
1.5丁形 5,720円(定価7,150円)
3丁形 11,440円(定価14,300円)
5丁形 17,600円(定価22,000円)
20丁形 61,600円(定価77,000円)